Green Initiatives

Here, at Co & Co Apparel, we work our best to be as eco-friendly, green and sustainable as possible. We truly care about the environment! 

Here are some of our initiatives:

  • We source premium bamboo fabric from our manufacture partners as it is a very sustainable textile fiber sources -- we are working hard with them to reduce the extra use of plastic (i.e. each piece is wrapped in plastic in order to protect our clothes from damage during freight transport). We currently inspect each piece so these plastic covers are removed. When we ship out to you, you will receive all of your pieces folded together and not back in the covers! *We are happy to accommodate if you would prefer to have each piece individually wrapped (personal preferences or for gifting. We will reuse the plastic covers that we have. Just let us know your request in the Notes section!*
  • We operate solely online so we will not be tagging each item with 2+ items that clothes in retail stores have to do 
  • Your package will consist of one company info tag and one safety tag rather than each item have an individual set of tags (I mean, we just all throw them away anyways, right?), one thank you card for first purchase (no need for repetition and waste for the next orders, yeah!) and no packing slip. *We are happy to include individual sets of tags (for gifting your pieces) and packing slips (if you don't want to search back in your emails to remember what you ordered) by request in the Notes section during checkout!*
  • Shipping labels and company branding materials (i.e. stickers, cards) are all printed on recyclable and eco-friendly materials!
  • We are currently waiting for our order of biodegradable mailer bags for your packages. These mailers are from a local Canadian company and they are "100% recyclable but in the case they find their way to the natural environment, they will breakdown into carbon dioxide, water, and biomass leaving zero waste behind!" (direct quote from the Supply Company!) In the meantime, we will use the polymailers we already have on hand so that they will not go to waste. 
  • Click here to check out our Recycle and Reduce program!

Please let us know if you have any recommendations for eco-friendly changes you'd like to see from us! 

- C & E

Co-Founders Emily & Christina with their babies who are cousins, Ce & B!

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